Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday, March 25

I took these two pics on my way home from Bill's this morning. The sun was beautiful.
The set fell down during last night's Emperor performance!!!! It was hilarious. The jester, Jordan Piercy, saved the scene. He did a fine job.

pssstt.... This is Kat. Mike's new girlfriend.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Lawn Mower Man's House

The Emperor's New Clothes

March 23, 2007 performance. For all the pictures from this show, click over there --------> under my links, the link for my webshots.

New Camera!!

Sam and Racheal, playing with this camera before they gave it to me. (OK, left it at my house, really....)

Flowers in my yard. Now *I* was playing with the camera...

The Bradford pears in my yard.

My well, with flowers on it.

Big tree with monkey.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


My little Michael is all grown up. This is the "head shot" we had taken to send with his application to the NC School of the Arts. He hopes to be accepted to enter 12th grade there.

It's a very competitive process, though, and he's prepared to *not* be accepted, but all fingers crossed!

Beth sent me these pictures from last June when she took her kids and visited Kathryn.

Kathryn and Beth are standing, with Beth holding Alivia.

Ford, Caroline (holding Alison), Lara, and Ana are standing in front of them.

Beth also sent me this picture of my step brother, Brad. I haven't seen him since his dad's funeral, 10 years ago. Hi Brad!!