Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Yard Work

This is the tree where the nest is up above. See the bird feeder I put in?
I planted these flowers today - Impatiens - shade lovers....
The bird tree.....
Here's the back yard....
And back around to the front. We worked and worked!

Birds Today 04-25-07

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hey, what would you call this??

My neighbor has this "antebellum cotton house" that he will *give away* for free to whomever will come take it from his property. He asked me to help him list it somehow online. Uh, what would we call it???

It's really old..... It's really wood.....

Baby Birds... One Day Old Now

Baby Birds in my yard!!!!!

Yesterday.... 04-21-07

Trip to Kings Mountain

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Roy and his sidekick

Roy and his absolutely adorable grandson!

Flat Presley

So I received a letter with a Houston, Texas return address the other day. Inside was a cut out gingerbread-man shaped little guy, obviously colored by a child. Along with it was a letter. Apparently, a first grade class in Kansas were inspired by a book to create these little people and send them out to travel across the country. My responsibility was two-fold. First, I was to add my location to the attached list of places "Flat Presley" had visited, and then send him and the letter on to someone in another part of the country. This one had been to CA, KS, TX, and then to me in NC. I sent it to Kathryn in New Orleans.

Second, I was to take a picture of the little guy in my area of the country and send that picture along with something about the area where I live back to the class. So I did.
What a fun project! I hope Kathryn photographs Flat Presley and sends him on his way.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Sam enjoys her NY swag/Chelsea gets a prom dress

Samantha wanted to roll around in her all her NY stuff.

Chelsea got a lovely prom dress.....

Chelsea is so cute!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Crest High Drama Trip to New York

We made it back on Sunday. What a trip it was! We are all exhausted, and I'm in worse shape than I thought. We walked for miles and miles on the hard pavement and my feet and legs were sooo sore! All the kids had a good time, it seemed. They really are a good group. There was none of the fighting or bickering you might expect amongst 19 teenagers who spend 5 days together. Great kids.

The Statue of Liberty inspired more emotion in me than I would have thought. The people were either extra nice or extra rude. There seemed to be no in between.

I'll post photos later.