Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Bill and Bonnie Do Asheville. Again :)

The window displays never fail to amaze me. This one is in a wooden furniture store.

Look at the assortment of fresh made food items at the Asheville food co-op. Yummy!

And we do not have produce like this at home. Which is weird, because we have a lot of farmers nearby.. What the heck is up with that?

More lovely food.

We stopped for a snack at Laurie's. Bill got flank steak and cole slaw. Fresh and delicious. I highly recommend Laurie's.

I got this delicious pesto pasta.

This little sign was on our table.

Tomato filets?

A four pound can of tuna?!?!?

Later on, we stopped at the Noodle House. Bill got cold sesame noodles. He like them, but I just don't like cold noodles...

I got some pan fried dumplings that were great. And warm.

We heard a band and soon discovered there was a festival nearby so we decided to check it out. There was quite an assortment of different types of people there. These little girls were so cute, I asked if I could take their picture. Their cuteness factor diminished considerably when they each held out a styrofoam cup and told me I could take a picture if I paid for it..... So I did. Just so I could share this story with you.

Like I said....  All types of people....

The poor band!!! They were playing their hearts out for what?? Three people. In the back row :(

Asheville has cool graffiti.

Faye - this reminded me of you and your future plans :)

Bill bought himself a kick ass pair of shoes at the Mass General Store.

Mayfel's has the best beignets.... I'll spare you the omelet and chicken fried steak and biscuits and general breakfast debauchery that went along with them. Let's just say these were our breakfast appetizer and leave it at that. Mmmmm..

Mike this reminded me of you... And the JERK who stole your MacBook. Click on it to maximize the picture so you can read all this guy wrote. These signs were in several shop windows around downtown.