Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Tale Of Two Kidneys

God, this last weekend sucked. Samantha called me Friday night in tears. She was in the bathroom at work and had thrown up. She had been to the emergency room the previous Sunday and had been told she had a urinary tract infection. She got a prescription for Bactrim and sent on her way. I know she was taking the Bactrim as prescribed, but she just didn't get much better.

So Friday, I told her to leave work and go to the ER up there near her house. She dithered a bit, but went home. She told me to call her at 5:00 am and wake her up so she could be in the ER when it (hopefully) wouldn't be very crowded. Poor baby. She was miserable. Her back hurt, she had a fever, and now vomiting. She went to University Hospital in Charlotte, which is very close to her house - like 3 minutes, and thank God for that, because she was very sick. She had an IV put in, and they gave her pain medicine, fluids, and antibiotics in that. She had blood in her urine. By the time the pain medicine took effect, she was quite happy for the first time in over a week when all this back pain started.

They did a CT scan (Cat Scan) and an ultrasound. Turned out, her kidney was swollen and infected. They gave her 4 prescriptions and sent her on her way. I brought her back to my house, dropping her prescriptions off at Eckerd's on the way. She nested on the living room couch and I went shopping for sick foods and to pick up the drugs. She was prescribed Cipro - very expensive, Ultram - a pain pill that's no fun at all, Phenergan - to stop the vomiting and make her sleep, and Motrin - for its anti-inflammatory properties. The drugs cost $120. Dave said he'd pay for it! Hooray! Unfotrunately I couldn't find his checks, so I ended up eating this cost at least till more checks come.

Sam felt a bit better each day, and Monday night I took her back home. Bought her some food for her house and that was that.

Poor thing. Yesterday, her mouth was covered - COVERED - in fever blisters. Her lips are poractically inside-out. She says she feels good, though, and is grateful for that.

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