Saturday, June 02, 2007

The "Feasters" (Crest High School Drama Dept. version of the Oscars)

Mike and Kat ready to go to the awards ceremony.

Me and Bill Mrs. Feaster, the drama teacher officiated.
First, there were participation awards for everyone. Then Mrs. Feaster handed out her "Director's Choice" awards. John Ledford won his for going above and beyond the call of duty.
Stacy Moore - Biggest "Diva" award
Amanda Carstner - for her dedication

Sarah Rutzen for trying so hard to get it right every time.
Matt Bryan - Diversity. He's played a black man, an elderly man, a gay paraplegic, and more!
Matt Faircloth for his steady dedication.
Val Boeke - For breaking out of her comedic roles and doing so well dramatically.
Jordan Piercy - Breakout actor. This is his first year in drama, but already has made quite an impression (so did his speech, they had to push him off the stage....)
After the director's choice awards, we all went in the cafeteria and ate. There was shrimp, chicken, a very tasty macaroni salad, meatballs, potatoes, cake.... All nicely done. Then it was back for the peer voted awards.
First up was Michael Bass (YAAY!!) - Best Male Vocalist
Alicia Miller - Best Female Vocalist
Jordan Piercy - Best Supporting Actor
Amanda Carstner - Best Supporting Actress
Michael Bass - Best Actor (YAY!!!!)
Stacy Moore - Best Actress
After those awards were given out, Mrs. Feaster recognized each of the seniors with a plaque and certificate and a pin. It was very emotional. Mrs. Feaster said nice things about each one of them. Next, the students presented Mrs. Feaster with ceiling tiles, painted to "advertise" each play of the past 4 years. It was very sweet, and Mrs. Feaster was touched. She wept and everyone then took pictures and chatted and the event was over.

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