This is the view from atop the ferris wheel.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The Fair's in Town!
Yep, it's time for the Cleveland County fair again. Bill took me there (for dinner....) and there we ran into Sam and Daren. Not really a great picture of anyone, but it's the only one I took of them, so here it is.
The ferris wheel, which we later rode.
Here's Bill coming out of the bathroom...
How often do you see a line of cow-butts like this? And how'd they get these cows to do that...
We ate. And ate. And ate. These are the best fair fries, and they're covered with vinegar.
The guy was Hillbilly Bob. He served cream sodas in tin cans. And posed for pictures too! The cream soda was exceedingly sweet and would have done very well with a shot or two of vodka.

This is the view from atop the ferris wheel.

The view looking up from our seat.
We ate sausage and peppers, too.
We rode the carousel.
Here's Bill on his horse.
Yeah, we did the super slide, too.
We ate a ham biscuit from the Shriner's booth.
We ate fried pickles from here.
We ate lots of other stuff that I didn't photograph, and by the time we left we didn't even have room for a funnel cake. Here's Bill at the water wheel on the way out.
The fair was a really good time - Burp...
This is the view from atop the ferris wheel.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Three Sweetest (and Lovliest) Little Girls In The World
They are my niece's daughters. (Kathryn's granddaughters...)
This is Ana, who, if all went well, had a visit from Mr. Tooth Fairy the other night. She was talking to me on the phone while Nana took this picture. She was telling me about losing her teeth.
This is Alivia. Hey Livvie!!!
And the newest addition, Allison... Great crop of kids, Alicia and Ashley!
This is Ana, who, if all went well, had a visit from Mr. Tooth Fairy the other night. She was talking to me on the phone while Nana took this picture. She was telling me about losing her teeth.
Blues Brews and BBQs with Sam and Daren
Sam and Daren
The barbecue competition area. They gave out tastes, but I'm afraid we were too late to get to taste all of them and pickings were slim. What we did get was great, though.
This beer truck had its taps right in the side of the truck! Cool...
Tryon was shut down for the event.
Daren is in this picture, trying to score a bite of chicken.
Here he is. You can barely see him to the left of the lady in pink.
This kid had a roasted corn on the cob and his brother was trying to steal it!
The band - poor guys - was playing their heart out to an empty parking lot. I hope it filled up later!
Sam and Daren discussing the food options. (Sam had to be at work so she's dressed all in black for reporting to Therapy at 3:30.)
And she decided on a turkey leg. See over her shoulder you can barely make out an outside table (on the left)? There's a guy in purple there? That's where she works. So she was really in the thick of this thing.

The Lights! The Lights!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Mike's the mascot! Woot! Go Crest!
Visit to Samantha
This was actually a couple of weeks ago when I went up to clean Sam's carpet and I'm posting this one because these are the white curtains that I dyed this past weekend. They don't match that beige thing exactly but they look good. I also got her some pieces of furniture to help her get organized. I'll post a picture of the "new" room later this week.
This is her living room, which is a bit disorganized because I was up there to clean the carpets and the upholstery and kind of put things out of whack as I did that.
This is Sam and Daren.
Sam, Mike and me in Sam's front yard.
Sam and Mike

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