Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blues Brews and BBQs with Sam and Daren

Sam and Daren The barbecue competition area. They gave out tastes, but I'm afraid we were too late to get to taste all of them and pickings were slim. What we did get was great, though.
This beer truck had its taps right in the side of the truck! Cool...
Tryon was shut down for the event.
Daren is in this picture, trying to score a bite of chicken.
Here he is. You can barely see him to the left of the lady in pink.
This kid had a roasted corn on the cob and his brother was trying to steal it!
The band - poor guys - was playing their heart out to an empty parking lot. I hope it filled up later!
Sam and Daren discussing the food options. (Sam had to be at work so she's dressed all in black for reporting to Therapy at 3:30.)
And she decided on a turkey leg. See over her shoulder you can barely make out an outside table (on the left)? There's a guy in purple there? That's where she works. So she was really in the thick of this thing.

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