Thursday, January 03, 2019

I'm Back!

It has been over 5 years since I posted here, but my kids and I are quitting FaceBook together (that's the plan anyway).  And in the middle of the night I got a text from an old friend (hey Teecie!) asking me where my old blog was.

This was the view from work as the sun came up on New Year's Day.  Hey there 2019!!!

Samantha, Jason and Jace rode up to Julian on NY Day because it had snowed up there. Traffic was nuts and it took them forever to get there, but they saw snow! 

Jace's new preschool is great about sending updates throughout the day. Here is one of them. Isn't he adorable cooking his burgers??

Here is little Jace on his first day of Preschool. Yes, Samantha said, the apple is for his teacher :)

Here, Michael and I are trying on clothes that Samantha sent us for Christmas.

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