Sunday, June 03, 2007

Eek! I'm a year older!

I had a great birthday! Bill and Mike and I played Scrabble in the morning while we waited for Samantha to show up. I was losing bad, until I was able to play "JINX" on the triple word! I didn't look back after that... Samantha came and I opened my gifts. I've been wanting a sprinkler since we've been in a drought and I can't give my flowers enough water. I got a sprinkler. I also got a beautiful green necklace and earrings. And some lovely smelling vanilla lotion (whenever Sam smells vanilla, she says "that smells like Mom"). They got me a gift certificate for a pedicure! I've never had a pedicure before, but Kathryn is always telling me how wonderful they are. Bill got me a digital picture frame, which is the coolest thing ever! You put a memory card of any kind in it, and it displays pictures off the card. He also got me a food processor. I don't have one, and I've been wanting to make pesto, which requires a food processor. He went overboard, really. Teecie gave me a really pretty pink plant, which looks great with my other little indoor plants.

They then cooked breakfast (my favorite meal), and ate. We did a few repairs on Sam's car, then we all played Pictionary. Bill and I beat Sam and Mike which in unheard of! Those two together have never lost before. Sam had to be at work at 5:00 so she left just as Kat was showing up. Bill took me to the movies to see "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", and while we were gone Mike and Kat made yummy pizza for us for dinner. I've never had a pineapple and ham pizza, but Kat made one and surprisingly I loved it! By the time all that was done it was around 10 and we went to bed.

Overall, a really great birthday. Thanks!!

1 comment:

M Bradford Photography said...

Bonnie: The Bear (Brad) and I checked out your blog. We really like it and he said you're looking good. I think you're looking like a hottie-Mammacita! You go, Girl!

Brad and Maribel
p.s. I also have a blog. I'll send you the link later as I can't remember it at this moment.