The sink looked like an afterthought, and since I'm pretty short, it was uncomfortable even brushing my teeth in here. But it looked really cool.
And one of those close-up mirrors was mounted to the wall! Evil , that...
Here's me in the wicked mirror.
There was even a scale. I'm not used to staying in hotels that have scales! Fancy....
Here's the entry-way to the room..
And here's me taking a picture of myself in the mirror by the door.
There were hotel robes hangin in the closet...
After Bill finally arrived, we hung out for a little while. By the time we were ready to eat something it was around 11:00 or so. Someone downstairs recommended the Metro Cafe Diner. So we went.
Here's the bar area at Metro. Very cool.
It's a karaoke bar. This guy was singling Metallica. He was drunk and it was really funny. There was a group of white guys singing "Piano Man" when we walked in. That was REALLY funny....
This cop was standing outside the bar. He was very nice. Bill argued about the bill for awhile and I stepped outside while he did. There are homeless people everywhere in Atlanta, wanting to tell their story and wanting you to give them ten bucks or 12 bucks or whatever. While Bill dickered about with the check, I was talking with this homeless guy out front of the restaurant. This cop was keeping a good eye on me, and at one point after I checked on Bill, I was back outside and told him this one homeless dude was creeping me out by telling me he wasn't going to steal my wallet. Well, I hadn't considered the fact that he would until he said that!
This guy was drinking a beer and dancing across the street.
The next morning broke nice and clear. This is the view from our room.
We went to breakfast in the hotel. The waitress was sullen and slow and the food was not very good. It was the Atlantic Grill; the Ritz-Carlton's restauraunt. Don't eat there. Slow service, ungodly prices, and average food.
Here's Bill at breakfast.
Next. we hoofed it over to Underground Atlanta. Here's a selection of the knock-off purses they sell there. We wanted to get a nice knock-off pocketbook for Samantha. I thought this was a likely candidate.
And this...
And this...
But we bought this one. Thanks Bill! (Bill does not carry a purse by habit, but posed for a picture I could send Sam of her purse...) She was pleased. Dolce & Gabana
Apparently, there are Segway tours of Atlanta. Haha! How cute.
This is the praline store in Underground. We bought pralines and Orange Julius. Mmmmm..
Next, after a rest, we stepped out to Hard Rock Cafe.
Then headed to the Marriott Marquis hotel just cuz it looks cool. And it really looked cool.

After we left there, we headed back to the hotel.
After another nap, we ventured out in search of food. We could not possibly have done better than Ray's in the City. It was literally the best food I've eaten in years.
Here's the bar area.
After stuffing ourselves at Ray's in the City, we went back and went to bed. The next morning it was time to hit the road. We checked out of our oh-so-comfortable bed and ate breakfast here, at the Lanmark Diner. Delicious breakfast, reasonable prices, excellent service.
Then we headed back to take Bill to his truck at the Congress Center.

Passed the Georgia dome on the way.

It was another great get-away weekend. I had a fabulous time in Atlanta. I wish I didn't have to go back to work tomorrow!
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