This is looking down past the hot line and way on back into the break room. The boy is Umberto, a server. |
This is the hot line, where a la carte meals are prepared. |
This is some of the Sunday brunch buffet. That's McCartney, another intern, manning the omelette station. In the chafers? Eggs Benedict, biscuits, gray, waffles, french toast, and berry blintzes. |
The dining room (the other side of the room from the previous pic) as Sunday brunch is just getting underway. |
Cassie, Kim's intern, on the sweets. Umberto is trying to get in the picture again :) |
View from the "Halfway House". It's a snack bar on the tenth tee. |
Glancing back the other way from the Halfway House. That's the ninth green. |
Standing on the tenth tee. |