Thursday, June 21, 2012

Long time no blog

This is looking into the kitchen in the new place, but Bill just got us some kick-ass new barstools that replaced the two you see here.

This is our bedroom. Need to put up the curtains and there's  a mirror over the bed now.... actually the bedroom is much improved from the time this picture was taken. If I weren't so lazy I would take this picture out, but it's here now :)

My little herb garden on the rail.... Basil, rosemary, and thyme.

Trying to create a natural barrier here to block the neighbors' porches off to the left. That side is the only side of the balcony that is exposed to other people.

There are two things of interest in this picture. One is the "wine rack" over the refrigerator. We don't drink wine, so I came up with a brilliant solution to use that space. I store my various flours and sugars in Mason jars up there! The second thing of interest is the wall behind the stove. It was painted with a flat paint. Ridiculous! We bought some floor tiles at Lowe's and Bill applied them to the wall back there so they wipe clean easily. Yay Bill!

A closer look at the Mason jar storage system.

A closer look at the wall.

This is the view out the back door. Woods, woods, woods. It's nice and you can hear birds all the time. Ace wants to live out there. He lounges out here a lot of the time.

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