Saturday, November 07, 2009

Go Terriers!

Awww... the little Terrier cheerleaders. There's Marissa in the back row on the right.

What next, Coach? (That's Marissa in the middle with the dark hair and bangs)

Look at little Kevin waving from the field! He's number 21 - only 5 years old but tenacious as anything.

Kevin's going in on the next play. He's ready.

There he is - poised and ready to rumble. He's just to the right of the orange marker.

Jennifer, this video is for you. My camera wouldn't zoom very well, but you get the idea. Marissa was fabulous, of course, although I'm sure they're all looking forward to getting their coach back.

The Terriers kicked butt and will be in the next round of playoffs next weekend. Woot!

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