Monday, December 28, 2009

Jimmy's Birthday Celebration and some SNOW!!

So Jimmy turned 20... Awww. Here he is blowing out the candles on his own individual cheesecake! Happy Birthday, Jimmy! Sniff, sniff... There are no more teenagers running around my house.

Mike and Satan - I mean Vardemis. Little devil has become a thorn in poor Ace's side and is really far too active for our household. We're holding onto him for Mike, who is getting a house with 3 other people come June. So Vardemis will move with him. I guess when Mike travels to China, though, Vardemis will return. Maybe he'll be better behaved then??
Mike and Phil (his beloved Mac) and Vardemis (his beloved kitty).
Let it snow, baby!
Ace likes to watch.



I neglected to take a single picture of cookie day. This was taken the next day (cookie DECORATING day, of course). Gavin and Sam made this teesy snowman and decorated him with candy-coated chocolate chips. (I like his little mouth - he's sort of going "Hmmmm...")

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